Now that you’ve made the mental preparation for your trip to space and you know what to pack, you may be wondering, how much does space tourism cost?
Space tourism is space traveling for private individuals, whether for recreational purposes or business. It is a newly developed movement that will positively affect the tourism industry.
Denis Tito was also the first person to fund a trip to space, making him the first space tourist. He reportedly paid the Russian Space Program twenty million dollars for the journey into outer space. Traveling through the galaxy used to be an impossible dream for some. Now you can do it once you have the money to finance it.
Undoubtedly, you already know that all fine things in life cost money. Houses, cars, trips to other countries. So why should travel to space be any different? Traveling beyond the earth is literally out of this world. This experience will bring you memories that will definitely last a lifetime. It is something to look back and say, “I am one in a million who have done this.”
So, How Much Should I Expect to Pay?
For today’s space companies, anyone who is wealthy enough and willing to pay the steep cost for this outer world experience can participate. NASA said it would cost 35 thousand dollars per night for stays on the ISS. SpaceX will fly you there for 52 million dollars.
The prices may all vary depending on the company used and the type of experience that you want. The prices also vary depending on the time you buy your ticket. For early buyers, the pass may be cheaper.
The Virgin Galactic is on the verge of flying tourists to the edge of space, but the cost is as low as 250 thousand dollars. According to Future Astronaut Lorie Frailey, after years of waiting, more than 500 persons have signed up to travel to space already.
These California companies are building a step-laddered space for all of us. Some space planes are designed for specific legs of the space trip. Thus, your choice depends on how far you want to go.
What Will Space Tourism Look Like in the Future?
Space tourism has been taken very seriously over the past few years. For example, Yusaku Maezawa was the first person to purchase a ticket to the moon. Once people start traveling to space, space tourism will more than likely gain credibility. That would be perfect for the industry overall.
Elon Musk said in a press conference, “it has been 18 months working on this goal, though it is hard to believe that it has happened.” Musk’s SpaceX project is revolutionary, and as prospective space travelers, we hope it’s on the road to success. By the next two to four decades, we predict that space-traveling will be an everyday thing like flying to another country.
Still, for the moment, only the rich can afford the luxury of a space trip. As time passes, the cost may decrease as it is unclear how many people are willing to spend that much.