Holiday Prepping on Mar: Sols 3333-3343 by Ensign December 27, 2021 0 On Mars, like Earth, we are prepping for the holidays. Today we planned an eleven sol plan which will take ...
Red velvet Mars by Ensign December 27, 2021 0 Like a sprinkle of powdered sugar on a rich red velvet cake, this scene from the ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas ...
An icy spring at the Martian South Pole by Ensign December 27, 2021 0 In addition to its enormous volcanoes, huge rift valley systems, and dried-up crater lakes and river valleys, the ice caps ...
Lost in space: Rocky planets formed from missing solar system material by Ensign December 27, 2021 0 By looking at the range of isotopic variations in terrestrial and meteoritic samples, a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientist ...
NASA's Mars helicopter Ingenuity notches 18th flight by Ensign December 21, 2021 0 The Mars helicopter Ingenuity traveled 754 feet at 5.6 mph on its 18th flight on the Red Planet, NASA has ...
How NASA's Psyche Mission Will Explore an Unexplored World by Ensign December 21, 2021 0 Launching in August 2022 and arriving at the asteroid belt in 2026, NASA's Psyche spacecraft will orbit a world we ...
Cliffs and notches keeps Curiosity team busy: Sols 3330-3332 by Ensign December 19, 2021 0 We had quite a few special investigations lately, which took the front seat (read: all our power and time) lately. ...
Out of the Shadows of the Maria Gordon notch: Sols 3328-3329 by Ensign December 19, 2021 0 Our Sol 3326 drive was successful, completing our shot through the Maria Gordon notch, with its spectacular structures and deep ...
Locked in stone: Research may answer the question of Mars' missing water by Ensign December 17, 2021 0 Rivers and streams once flowed across the surface of Mars, etching channels still evident on the planet's surface today. Water ...
NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Makes Surprising Discoveries by Ensign December 17, 2021 0 Scientists with NASA's Perseverance Mars rover mission have discovered that the bedrock their six-wheeled explorer has been driving on since ...