Astronaut becomes first Chinese woman to spacewalk by Ensign November 8, 2021 0 Astronaut Wang Yaping became the first Chinese woman to walk in space, authorities said Monday, as her team completed a ...
Sols 3287-3288: Assessing a New Potential Drill Target by Ensign November 7, 2021 0 After our short bump on Tuesday, Curiosity has reached a new potential drill location. When we first arrived at the ...
Flight #15 – Start of the Return Journey by Ensign November 7, 2021 0 With conjunction over and our first flight at 2,700 RPM behind us, Ingenuity is ready to begin the journey back ...
Smart focus on Mars by Ensign November 7, 2021 0 From panoramas to close-ups, from 3D maps to a wheel selfie, the Earth-bound twin of ESA's Rosalind Franklin rover is ...
Researchers begin to understand correlation of schumann resonances and dust storms on Mars by Ensign November 5, 2021 0 The interaction of dust particles in Martian dust storms may cause electric fields that are powerful enough to have charges ...
UNI Bremen involved in AMADEE-20 Mars Simulation by Ensign November 4, 2021 0 AMADEE-20: That is the name of the simulated Mars mission of the Austrian Space Forum, which was carried out in ...
New Curtin study pinpoints likely home of Martian meteorites by Ensign November 4, 2021 0 Curtin University researchers have pinpointed the likely origin of a group of meteorites ejected from Mars, using a machine learning ...
Sol 3285: Oh So Close by Ensign November 4, 2021 0 The drive over the weekend was successful, gaining us more than 6 m in elevation - not bad for a ...
Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Flight 14 Successful by Ensign October 28, 2021 0 The successful 14th flight of NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter took place shortly after 1:18 a.m. PDT Oct. 24 at Jezero ...
You can help train NASA's rovers to better explore Mars by Ensign October 27, 2021 0 Artificial intelligence, or AI, has enormous potential to change the way NASA's spacecraft study the universe. But because all machine ...