Ablation by Ensign February 20, 2021 0 A process by where the atmosphere melts away and removes the surface material of an incoming meteorite.
Absolute Magnitude by Ensign February 20, 2021 0 A scale for measuring the actual brightness of a celestial object without accounting for the distance of the object. Absolute ...
Absolute Zero by Ensign February 20, 2021 0 The temperature at which the motion of all atoms and molecules stops and no heat is given off. Absolute zero ...
Accretion by Ensign February 20, 2021 0 The process by where dust and gas accumulated into larger bodies such as stars and planets.
Accretion Disk by Ensign February 20, 2021 0 A disk of gas that accumulates around a center of gravitational attraction, such as a white dwarf, neutron star, or ...
Albedo by Ensign February 20, 2021 0 In astronomy, the term albedo refers to the brightness of an object in space. Derived from Latin, albedo means "whiteness" ...
Albedo Feature by Ensign February 20, 2021 0 A dark or light marking on the surface of an object that may or may not be a geological or ...
Altitude (elevation) by Ensign February 20, 2021 0 Altitude or elevation is the vertical angle an object makes with the horizon.