Still lots to do at the Zechstein drill locale by Ensign November 16, 2021 0 We are in the midst of the Zechstein drilling campaign. The SAM team are eagerly waiting for the results of ...
Mars – or Arrakis by Ensign November 14, 2021 0 Who hates deep sand traps more than golfers? Mars rover drivers (and probably Fremen too). When your vehicle is well ...
Curiosity powers on with extra energy for Martian science by Ensign November 14, 2021 0 When the operations team logged on today, we were prepared to pick up where Monday's team had left off in ...
Astronaut training in the land of volcanoes by Ensign November 11, 2021 0 A team of astronauts, engineers and geologists is travelling to Spain's Canary Islands, one of Europe's volcanic hot spots, to ...
Docking the Perseverance robotic arm by Ensign November 11, 2021 0 Every time we collect a rock sample on Mars, Perseverance performs an hours-long set of carefully choreographed operations with its ...
Sols 3292-3293: Celebrating Zechstein with a Science Feast by Ensign November 11, 2021 0 We did it! Yet another successful hole has been drilled in Mars! Welcome to the family, "Zechstein!" Tosol, Curiosity is ...
China's Mars orbiter enters remote-sensing orbit by Ensign November 10, 2021 0 China's Mars orbiter entered its remote-sensing orbit around Mars on Monday, starting the global remote-sensing exploration of the planet, the ...
Off-world colony simulation reveals changes in human communication over time with Earth by Ensign November 10, 2021 0 Elton John famously sang that Mars "ain't the kind of place to raise your kids", but one day space agencies ...
NASA sending Mars helicopter back to where it all started by Ensign November 9, 2021 0 NASA's Mars helicopter Ingenuity has flown for the 15th time on Mars, starting a journey back to its starting point ...
Sols 3289-3291: Go For Drilling on Zechstein! by Ensign November 9, 2021 0 This weekend plan is an exciting one - we are "GO" for drilling! I worked as a Rover Planner today, ...